Our Vidyalaya was established in Dec 1986 with primary classes. Over the years, the school progressed and is providing education up to XIIth class. PM SHRI KV Bhanala falls under civil sector under the chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioner Kangra at Dharamshala. At present there are sections up to XII, one in each class, having enrolment of about 487 students with highly qualified, dedicated and experienced staff. The main aim of the Vidyalaya is to bring about development in the overall personalities of the children. To ensure balanced development of personality of each child, House Activities, Games and Sports, Adventure Activities etc. are being conducted. The Co- Scholastic areas of children are taken care of through function of various clubs like Integrity Club, ECO Club, Literary Club, Aesthetic & Performing Art, Gardening Club, Scout & Guide etc.
The Vidyalaya was shifted to its own new building at Gohju on 15th August 2011, which spreads over 88 kanal & 6 marlas piece of land, Kendriya Vidyalaya Bhanala (Gohju) has been constructed up to XII, with Science block, and. Hence the Vidyalaya have its own beautiful building and campus.
Atal Tinkering lab is fully functioning in the Vidyalaya alongwith latest scientific instruments in the labs for the better learning environment of the students and near vicinity.
Our Vidyalaya has been selected as Model School and renamed as PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Bhanala in the year 2023.